CE Course & Event Information
SU1 - Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office
Sunday, August 25th 2024, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dr. George Kushner
Ticket #: SU1
Sunday, August 25, 2024
9:00 a.m. – Noon
“Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office”
3 Continuing Education Hours
FEE: $110.00
Medical emergencies can and do occur in the dental office. With advances in the medical field, we as dental practitioners are seeing and treating a significant medically-compromised patient population as outpatients in our dental offices. Fortunately, most of the emergencies that occur are treated appropriately and there is little harm to the patient. However, improper management of these emergencies can have disastrous results. Likewise, proper management of the medical emergency is no guarantee of a successful outcome.
This course will review common medical emergencies and management of these problems. Clinical “pearls” will be discussed that can, hopefully, lessen the chances of these emergencies. This presentation should be applicable to all members of the dental office team.
This course is approved by the Kentucky Board of Dentistry and meets the requirements for dental hygienists for provisions stipulated in 201 KAR 8:562.