CE Course & Event Information
SM6 - Implant Over-Dentures: Living Up to the Standard of Care
Saturday, August 24th 2024, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Dr. Jyme Charette
Ticket #: SM6
Saturday, August 24, 2024
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
“Implant Over-Dentures: Living Up to the Standard of Care”
Sponsored by Zest
6 Continuing Education Hours
FEE: $135.00 Dentists $95.00 All others
Limited to 35 Participants
The course will be directed toward general dentists, oral surgeons and periodontists as we will be discussing surgical and restorative aspects of overdentures.
-about me and the field of prosthodontics
Proper Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Recognize what qualifies a patient for removable implant therapies.
Identify potential problems during and after treatment.
-what to watch out for
-how to be prepared
-patient education and improvement
-managing patient expectations
Understand restorative space requirements.
-vertical position of implants
Understand difference in implant-retained vs. implant-supported prosthetics
-implant angulation
-over-denture mechanics
-patient experience
Implants and Components
Implant Types
-Bone level vs. tissue level
-Pick-up materials
Interim Denture Prostheses
Definitive Prostheses
-Impression Techniques
-Work Flows
-Tips & Tricks
Course Objectives:
1. Identify and understand the six most relevant aspects of proper diagnosis and treatment planning.
2. Understand restorative space requirements for implant restorations; crown and bridge, overdenture, and fixed full arch.
3. Identify whether a patient is a good candidate for implant dentistry/removable prosthetics.
4. Understand the fundamental requirements of removable therapies for the success of implant assisted removable dentures.
5. Communicate with patients on a human level to assist in managing expectations and encourage positive experiences for both the practitioner and the patient.
6. Gain hands-on experience with seating OD secure abutments, clinical chairside pick up of housings, and insert management.