CE Course & Event Information
FM2 - Wellness Symposium
Friday, August 23rd 2024, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tija Hunter & Kay Huff
Ticket #: FM2
Friday, August 23, 2024
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
“Wellness Symposium”
Kay Huff Sponsored by BencoDental
6 Continuing Education Hours
FEE: $249.00
Fee Includes Buffet Lunch from 11a.m.-1p.m.
Tija Hunter - Enhancing Your Career Through Ergonomics: Preventative Medicine for Your Life
Women suffer higher rates of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Because our jobs are so physically demanding in dentistry, we are seeing a higher rate in back, neck and shoulder issues. This course talks about the common problems we face ergonomically and changes we can make to correct these issues. As women, we tend to take care of everyone but ourselves; let’s discuss ways we can fix that!
• Identify the common problems, physically, we face daily
• Discuss ways to take better care of ourselves and why
• Learn better techniques for posture and positioning
Tija Hunter - Documentation and the Dental Assistant
Doctors and Hygienists were taught how to write chart notes in school, but dental assistants were not. Lawyers say we are an easy target because our documentation in all areas is the worst! Patient chart notes are legal documents and are considered evidence in a court of law and/or used by the dental board in the case of a patient complaint.
• Understand the importance of accurate chart notes and documentation
• Discover simple ways make complete chart notes
• Learn how to construct your notes completely and easily
Kay Huff – Align Your 3Rs To Hit Your Target
Are you reviewing your goals and celebrating your results?
Do you have a clear direction and goals that meet your overhead?
Do you know where you’re losing potential revenue?
It’s okay to ask your patients for money and get paid. It’s okay not to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Implementing new systems is like taking a leap…you can’t make the jump without a high performing team. Learn how your team can analyze reports and review their goals, allowing each team member’s voice to be heard.
• Production vs. Collection
• Adjustments
• Procedure Analysis
• Outstanding Treatment
• Growth vs. Attrition
• Production and Collection Goals
• SMART Goals
• Vision
• Fees
• Opportunities for Team Members
• Successful Team Meetings
• Communication Boards
• Morning Huddles
Kay Huff – Piecing Together Your Insurance Puzzle
Do you enjoy putting puzzles together?
Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t find all the pieces?
Dealing with insurance can often be puzzling…let’s discuss the essential pieces of putting YOUR insurance puzzle together. From benefits to understanding fees to team members’ roles…it’s always the small pieces that make the big picture come together!
At this event, you’ll learn how to:
COMPREHEND dental insurance – what is it?
LEARN the importance of credentialing and follow up.
KNOW the decision process for going in-network or out-of-network
UNDERSTAND the importance of negotiating insurance fees.
REALIZE the importance of having the right team member in place for successful insurance outcomes.
DETERMINE which business reports to run and how to use them
effectively. Are you hitting the mark?

Tija Hunter